Welcome Thank you for visiting The Associated Firefighters of Matteson's website. Take some time to get to know our site, and check back often as new content will be added. As always your feedback is greatly appreciated.
What's New at IAFF 3086 If you have any any pictures or any information you would like brought to the website, please email to semperfimike79@gmail.com
Mike Nicholson
IAFF Local Newswire Join the Newswire!
Updated: Feb. 11 (11:59)
Autism Awareness Shirts IAFF 1826 Livonia Passport To Safety 2025 IAFF Local 1164 Montgomery Twp 2025-2028 CBA PPFFA Busy 2024 for NOFF Northern Ohio Fire Fighters February Meeting Notice Northern Ohio Fire Fighters Captain Mike Smith is Retiring IAFF Local 21